Monday, October 13, 2008

Greenberg vs Bean debate

Asks, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
FOR INFORMATION: 847-726-0808 |

SCHAUMBURG 10/11/08 – Republican nominee Steve Greenberg shared a stage with Democrat Melissa Bean today for the first time, and emerged the clear winner. The forum, hosted by the League of Women Voters, was held at the Friendship Village in Schaumburg.

Said Greenberg, "I'm running for Congress because I believe that Washington has forgotten who the customer is. Both parties have failed the American people. Washington needs to set the example and cut back before asking the American people to sacrifice."

As Greenberg outlined his stances, Melissa Bean had no answer for why during this economic crisis she has taken $801,000 from the financial sector, the very sector she was supposed to be overseeing as a member of the Financial Services Committee. She also had no answer for why she had become the sixth largest benefactor from special interests in Washington.

"Are you better off than you were four years ago, when my opponent was elected?" asked Greenberg. He continued later, "I believe our better days are ahead of us. With your vote, I will be a voice for you in Congress."

"It's clear why Melissa Bean is afraid to publicly debate Steve Greenberg," said Collin Corbett, Greenberg's Campaign Manager. "Steve Greenberg has a clear vision for leadership and reform in Washington, which he showed today. He is a voice for the struggling families and small businesses here at home, unlike Congresswoman Bean who has proved to be a mouthpiece for the special interests."

Steve Greenberg is the Republican Nominee for Congress in the 8th Congressional District of Illinois. A successful businessman from Long Grove, IL, Steve will reform Washington by giving the power back to the people, allowing them to make decisions for their own family. He will cut taxes, eliminate government waste, fight for lower gas prices and work to ensure the safety of our families.

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