Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bean on the Issues

It seems Congresswoman Mellisa Bean considers more or less that we are better off now than we were 18 months ago. She ignores that the stock market that keeps dropping, the unemployment rate remaining near 10%, the banks not giving loans, consumer confidence remains low, etc..... Several National polls show that public is not behind the programs of Congress or the President, yet she continues to sell the story that all this is good for the nation and Congress needs to continue down the same path.

Drive down the main streets of the towns and villages in the 8th District, you will see empty store front after empty store front. People are nervous about spending and more concerned about being prepared for more bad times. What we get from Congress is more talk about social programs and placing blame on the banks and Wall Street. The 8th District needs someone that really knows the 8th District. We are tired of taxation without true representation.

See for yourself in the video link what Mellisa Bean is saying about the economy.

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