Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our Country needs US

With all the challenges and problems our country faces today, we sometimes forget that past generations have also faced great threats to our homeland.  Benjamin Franklin while working as member of the Continental Congress noticed a symbol on the back of the Presidents chair that looked like a rising or setting sun.  He wondered for many days if that sun was rising or setting and at the same time was this country they were attempting to create doomed to failure or would it rise to become an equal among the nations of the world.  Finally as events unfolded he decided it was a rising sun and this country on the strength of its people would rise to become a free nation of this world.  I still believe has he did, that it was a rising sun and this country on the strength of it's people will continue to rise up as a free nation and a symbol of hope for all people of the earth.  Only we the people can make the future bright.

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