Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Big Brother is watching

The Chicago Democratic machine has come up with a new way to make sure you are doing the right thing. The red light cameras that pepper the streets of Chicago are being considered to run your license plate and check if your vehicle is insured. This of course is being considered as another way to protect the public. The person caught by the camera however would face a $90 fine. The red light cameras already bring in millions of dollars for the municipal governments that have them with unproven safety benefits to the driving public. What comes next for the cameras? Maybe they should check for seat belt use, child care seat use, talking on your cell phone, smoking in the car with children on board? The list for what these cameras can do is almost endless. This is just another way to raise funds for the tax and spend Dems of Cook County.

Check out this link for the full story of this great new device to keep you safe and to keep the money flowing to the government.,2933,510999,00.html

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