Monday, April 27, 2009

Voice of the People

The Democrats are getting a little confused these days. The people are voicing their concerns without being instructed by the liberal media or the Democratic Party. DavidAxelrod, the voice of the White House was asked his opinion of the Tea Parties. David Axelrod called them an "unhealthy expression", what he really meant was this is something that the Democrats cannot control, so it must be wrong.

State Rep. Kathy Ryg, when asked about the Build 53 vote responded, that the public has shown support for expanding IL53. She however expressed concern that the referendum may create unrealistic expectations that IL53 will be built. I think that finding a way to build IL53 would be her job and the Democratic controlled State Legislature after the voters have clearly approved the project.

This is not how the Dems planned things out, the people are supposed to follow what the elected officials deem is correct for the public. The people according to the Dems are not supposed to express ideas that the Dems have not approved. There are those people that may have realized that this is a country "of the People, by the People, for the People", something that a past Republican President expressed.

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