Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bean - Liberty's Friend of Foe?

We, as a nation, have taken our freedom and our liberty for granted for too long. Our liberties and our freedoms are eroded slowly by our government. It is only when a far left president is elected to office with a far left Congress that we begin to see how far away from a limited government we have gone. For this reminder, we should be grateful.

When you cast your vote in November, will you be thinking about how Melissa Bean has represented you in Congress? Will you be thinking about how she has voted, on every vote, to further erode our freedom and liberties? Stimulus, bailouts, car company takeovers, healthcare, cap and trade...which of these votes for these monstrosities are for freedom or personal choice?

The left is big into being "pro-choice", but are they really? Are they for more liberties, more freedom, more choice? Not in healthcare, government knows best how you should take care of your body, not you.

Are they for more choice with fiscal policy? No again, they know how better to spend your money than you do. So they must take more of it.

Melissa Bean has voted EVERY time to take your choices away from you.

I challenge every constituent of the 8th District to remember who they are casting a ballot for in November - someone who votes for a government that knows better than you, or for someone that trusts you to make decisions for yourself.

I know what I will choose.

1 comment:

tofubo said...

I know what I will choose

so will i, the green party candidate