Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bean on the Issues

On the Melissa Bean for Congress website if you try to open the page for "issues" the message you get is "Currently being updated". That is really the best statement she has given for her stand on issues for the 8th Congressional District. In the most recent past she has supported the policies of the President, which are influenced by the Chicago Democratic Machine. Now she is hearing that the issues and concerns of Chicago are not the same as Northwest Cook, Lake, and McHenry Counties. Congresswoman Bean might have known that if she had lived and worked in the 8th District these past six years as our member in Congress.

In a Pew Survey taken in March, Americans were asked if Obama made them feel hopeful. Fifty-four percent said yes, and Forty-three percent said no.

In a more recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken in the first week of June. When questioned on the passage of the health care bill, sixty-six percent of all voters now believe the nation is heading down the wrong track.

The nation at large believes the country is being lead down the wrong track by the Liberal Dems in Congress and the White House, while at the same time Melissa Bean's issues that she stands for are "currently being updated". It's time to have someone that knows what the 8th District issues are.

Have you met Joe yet?

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