Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cut Federal Spending

The Treasurer Secretary announced on Monday May 16th the debt ceiling had been reached. U.S. Senator Dick Durbin stated that the debt ceiling must be raised so that the full faith and credit of the United States would not be endangered.

I met Congressman Joe Walsh Monday night and he announced the sky had not fallen and the Earth did not come to an end because of the debt ceiling limit being reached. Joe Walsh said if a vote were to be taken today in Congress to raised the debt ceiling it would fail. According to Joe, we need to make deep spending cuts before the ceiling is raised again.

My question is how does the White House and the leaders in the Senate tie raising the debt limit with the ability of our Country to pay its bills. When someone has maxed out their credit card do they go to the bank to get another loan? The United States is still collecting taxes and taking in Federal fees on a daily basis. The revenue that the Federal Government takes in daily should go towards paying any debt, after which it should then spend the remainder on essential services. As Congressman Walsh said, the Federal Government needs to cut spending. Our Government cannot take care of the needs of everyone on the Planet Earth.

If our current Government cannot decide what goods and services are essential to keep this country running and safe, not only will it be in violation of the United States Constitution but it will fail in its desire to take care of the needs of all people everywhere. Raise the debt ceiling but do not condemn our children and grandchildren to a debt that can never be paid off.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Senate Votes

From the floor of the State Senate we have Senator Dan Duffy giving us a front seat view of how the Cook County Dems run Springfield. How long will the citizens stand for the way the Cook County Machine runs Springfield?

"Sitting on senate floor. We are being asked to vote on state budget bills worth billions. The catch is - the majority has not let the Republicans even see or read ANY of the bills. They even rammed the bills through and skipped the committee process...so no discussion on them either. Unbelievable.

We'll see if the papers even mention that we were not even given time to read or see any of these bills...they will probably just report we voted "no". The full story NEVER comes out.

Actually these are a series of budget bills...it is not just one big budget bill. We are still voting on them and have been voting for the past 1.5 hours so far on them. They just keep bringing them up, one at a time, describe what the bill is about, and ask us to vote. We have no access to the bills and have no idea what they are really about or what is in them. We have to just take their word for it. They are in the majority and can do whatever they want, whenever they want to. They have both houses and the governors office. They don't need one Republican vote and don't really care what we think...this whole process and todays display just proves that fact."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tax Questions?

The new Tax bills are being mailed in Lake County. Doubtless you have questions. Come ask Township Assessors Rebecca Tonigan and John Barrington anything about assessments, appraisals, trends, exemptions and more. Bring your neighbors and bring your questions.

Tuesday May 17th 7:00pm - 8:30pm, Ela Township 1155 East Route 22 Lake Zurich, Illinois

Sponsored by Americans for Prosperity

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stop the Spending!

The State of Illinois is unable to pay current bills and has borrowed to pay past bills. The debt just keeps getting larger and larger, but instead of working to reduce the debt, the Cook County Democratic controlled state government only wants to spend more. The Democratic leaders only see needs that should be attended, they fail to see the lack of funding that causes harm to the very people they want to help. They continue to dig a deeper hole of debt for our state.

The answer should be spend only what the state needs to function and to pay off past loans. Once Illinois government is solvent again, other needs can be looked at and if there is money in the budget they can be helped.

The link below is by State Senator Matt Murphy, which gives his view of what is not being done in Springfield to decrease the growing debt.