Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Square Deal

The Lake County Young Republicans stated during their last meeting.

“…that our party needs to stand proudly on our three principles of personal accountability, good transparent government, and fiscal responsibility.”

They may want to consider one more principle and give the Republican Party one more leg to stand on. President Theodore Roosevelt wanted everyone to be treated according to their own abilities, a square deal for all and no special favors for any group.

“Let the watchwords of all our people be the old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair-dealing, and commonsense… We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less.”

I believe the “square deal” fits in nicely with the principle of personal accountability, but takes it to a higher level. No person, group or organization should receive any special consideration over anyone else, nor should anyone be discriminated against. The Republican Party has always believed in the “square deal”, they have however allowed others to steal and corrupt the idea of a square deal for all. It is the Republican Party that stands for the rights of the common citizen and the Grand Old Party needs to remember that and get the message out for everyone to hear. No one should “pay to play” in Lake County, Illinois or anywhere in the United States.

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