Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dear John

“May you live in interesting times” is an old Chinese curse that many would say is happening now. If you think the world and national news does not affect you personally, that might be a mistake. I just came across a postcard from a tourist in Germany it reads:

“Dear John, Have had a nice trip so far. Good weather and good conditions otherwise. It does not look like war here.

Regards, Bill”

The postcard is dated 8/20/1939 and about 3 weeks later war broke out in Europe. World War II inflamed the world, killed millions, and touched everyone living in some way.

Today we have riots in Greece, strikes and protests in England, Government overthrow in Egypt, riots & bloodshed in other Middle East countries, back at home the Federal government is in more debt than it has ever had. Our own State government is deep in debt and only thinks of taxing and spending its way out.

Too many of us watch TV shows, ballgames, play video games, or just busy earning a living and taking care of the family to pay attention to world and national news. Most of our fellow citizens think there is nothing they can do that would change these problems that will not really touch their lives anyway.

Years from now will someone find another note from Bill to John today mentioning that everything looks good and there is no sign of trouble.

We can and must get involved, contact your representative in Congress and your representative in Springfield and tell them what you and your community needs.

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