Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spend, Spend, and Spend

State Senator Terry Link, has introduced introduced SB 744, which would bring land based casinos to Chicago, Rockford, and Waukegan. Never mind what the people of Lake County want or where the money would go, all we need to know is Terry Link thinks this is a good thing for the people.

ILL. House Speaker Mike Madigan has signaled he will go along with Governor Quinn on raising the State income tax. How this money will be spent we are not sure yet.

Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias knows how and what to spend the money he has control over. The Treasurer takes money from the state administered College Fund for children that has lost money while under his administration and buys a SUV for his use.

The White House also knows how to spend the taxpayers money. The cost of the Air force One flying over New York City for publicity photos was over $300,000. This White House admits this might have been a mistake.

Congress spends Billions on earmark pork projects to enhance the their own reputations.

The President of course out does all with his Trillion dollar budgets, that our grandchildren will have to pay for.

Do any of these elected officials remember they spend the peoples money, and that they have been charged to spend the peoples money wisely? November of next year will be our chance to remind those in government who they work for.

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