Saturday, August 1, 2009

Big Brother Government

The Democratic controlled U.S. Senate wants to stop people from driving and texting at the same time. That seems like a good thing, however what business does Congress have in telling you how to behave in your car or home? According to the Constitution the states make local laws of conduct not the Federal Government. The Congress gets around the Constitution by using the power of federal funds.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY has sponsored a bill to withhold Federal Highway Funds from any state not passing a law to ban texting while driving. The Secretary of Transportation would be required to issue guidelines within six months of the bill becoming law. This is similar to the seat belt law that Congress forced the states to enact. The Federal Government is gaining more and more control over local affairs. It may sound silly, but if we continue on this path our state governments will be governments in name only. We do not need bureaucrats in Washington deciding what is good for us. We need to remind our representatives in Washington that we the people have ultimate control of the government, not the other way around.

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