Sunday, August 30, 2009

Government Motors

During the Cash for Clunkers program, Ford Motor Co. was faced with a shortage of the popular Ford Focus models. Ford decided to fire up the assembly line and produce more cars to meet the demand.

GM (Government Motors) consulted with committees, subcommittees, and advisers to decide not to increase output but to use money received from the government to finance short term loans to GM dealers until the dealers received the much delayed reimbursement checks from the government during the Cash for Clunkers program.

A CBS Radio News commentator, recently broadcasted, that according to government records the most stolen cars are currently the Ford Explorer and the Ford Taurus. His solution for new car buyers was to examine the government published lists of most stolen cars and not to buy those car models.

We have an example of a private U.S. automobile maker meeting the demand of the public with cars that they want to purchase. Then we have the example of a Government owned automobile company using tax dollars to assist in another ill managed government program. With the national press telling the public not to buy the cars that are most popular. Does the White House want to inform the citizens when they should buy cars and what cars will be assigned to them? That was tried before by the Soviet Union and that just produced substandard cars that the citizens unwillingly were forced to purchase.

" A Government big enough to give you everything
you want , is also big enough to take away everything
you have." Thomas Jefferson

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