Sunday, April 5, 2009

Everything starts at home.

Everything starts at home. We look to see that our houses and front yards are kept up and if possible improved. We join with our neighbors at Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Little League, school fundraisers, and many more events all to improve the neighborhood we live in. We question our County Board Member, Mayor, State Senator, State Representative, and others on what they are doing to help us improve the place we work and live. We are all neighbors helping neighbors to keep what we have worked at safe.

Our elected member of Congress Melissa Bean, who chooses to live outside the neighborhood, what is she doing for our neighborhood?

She introduces House Bill 3777: To temporarily raise the portfolio caps applicable to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, to provide the necessary financing to curb foreclosures by facilitating the refinancing of at-risk subprime borrowers into safe, prime loans, to preserve liquidity in the mortgage lending markets, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Bean, Melissa L. [IL-8] (introduced 10/9/2007)
Committees: House Financial Services

She is just one more member of Congress that has failed to look to the welfare of the neighborhood they represent. Instead they look to make the United States a place for everyone to share the benefits of America, without regard to how hard they work or their connection to our Country. These lofty goals might be noble but they are not what this country was founded on, nor do they recognize the hard work of neighbors helping neighbors. A Congress with Democratic leadership has helped bring our Country to the economic mess we have today.

We need to remind Congresswoman Bean that everything starts at home.

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