Friday, July 23, 2010

Public Option - Not Dead

We find ourselves EXACTLY where we thought we would be prior to the so-called Healthcare debate: the public option vs. the non-public option.

Let's review: the Democrats and liberals in Congress, Melissa Bean INCLUDED, voted for a takeover of healthcare. Our medical history and records are no longer private between doctor and patient. Our healthcare providers, or doctors, must take less in reimbursements than before. This requires the doctors and providers to see more patients in the same time to make up for the difference in income OR just not see those with medicare, medicaid, etc.

Frankly, a lot of doctors are just closing shop, deciding that it doesn't make sense to practice medicine because the costs are too great.

Doctors and other providers have not grown in number, so the number of people waiting to see a doctor will get larger, the waits longer.

Let me ask you this - if YOUR doctor is rushing to see as many patients as possible, are YOU getting the attention and care you want?

At some point, when doctors close their doors, the business side of things will become apparent. Doctors not only provide essential healhcare to people, they also HIRE nurses, administrative workers, and other doctors. They are employers. When they close their doors, those people will be out of work, have no job.

The public option, or government controlled healthcare, has already been enacted, if not by technical, legal means, then by design. These things are starting to happen and will continue to happen. They are pushing doctors out of business, onto the "available" governement run healthcare system. This will be phasing in over the next several years.

So what options do you have? Pay for insurance and not food? Things are working out EXACTLY as the liberals and Democrats in Congress and the President planned. This is a public option, they just aren't calling it a public option. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

Melissa Bean voted for this. She claims to be supportive of small businesses. She claims to be supportive of wanting coverage for all. I was on a recent TELE-TOWNHALL meeting (she doesn't hold face to face townhalls in her district except for those she invites), and she said that the healthcare "reform" bill was going to save money.

Maybe she didn't read the latest restatement by the CBO, who came out several months after the bill was passed and said the numbers had been underestimated by over $500 BILLION dollars. And that the bill does NOT include the so-called "doctor fix".

I, for one, am tired of the condescending attitude those in Congress have towards their constituents. They must think we are not paying attention, that they can slip one past us or that we'll get over it.

How are things going for you? How is the stimulus helping you? Do you have a job? Does your doctor plan to close his or her doors? How do bailouts, stimulus, healthcare, car company takeovers, etc. help our economy?

How can we pay for any of this? How does raising taxes help those of us with jobs and those of us without jobs?

Melissa Bean has voted for each of those bills passed listed above. As for raising taxes, she has said that some hard decisions will have to be made. You read between the lines on that.

Congresspeople did not make the healthcare law applicable to themselves. Congressmen have voted time and time again for pay raises, spending increases, and are letting tax cuts expire at the end of this year.

It's a nice life as a Congressperson if you can get it.

But does Melissa Bean DESERVE it?

Not with her votes. She is out of touch with her constituents, she is out of touch with reality in her district, and she does not seem to prioritize her constituents and our needs over those of Nancy Pelosi and President Obama.

What have they done for us? They have only helped themselves.

Is that who YOU want representing you in Congress?

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