Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bean for Sale?

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23% of Adults share a favorable opinion of members of Congress. The same survey finds 72% have an unfavorable view of congressmen. These findings include 5% who have a very favorable impression and 45% who have a very unfavorable view of members of Congress.

Another separate Rasmussen national telephone survey finds that 70% of voters believe most members of Congress are willing to sell their vote for cash or a campaign contribution.

Our own member of Congress Melissa Bean as of June 30th has raised $1,628,045 for her own reelection to Congress. Of that amount 58% was raised from Political Action Committees (PACs). Who does Melissa Bean represent when a large portion of her contributions come from outside the district she is elected to represent?

All this compares with Joe Walsh who has accepted only 2% of his campaign funds from PACs.

Have you met Joe yet?

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